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  • Autogas Committee

  • •This committee shall work to establish a favorable market for Autogas/engine fuel for use in on/off-road applications (e. g. generators, irrigation pumps, lawn mowers, vehicles, etc.). Additional responsibilities shall include the development of appropriate incentives within acceptable fund allocation as approved by the MPA Board of Directors, leveraging opportunities with state & local governments, and working with the MN Clean Cities Coalition to market and promote Autogas.
    Jenny Austin
    Minnesota Propane Association, Administrative Specialist
    Merrill Binnall
    Minnesota Propane Association, Industry Relations Representative
    Andy Ernst
    CHS Inc, Propane Marketing Manager & New Business Development
    Jeff Head
    Chair Person LPG & NH3 Supply Inc, Sales Manager
    Mike Hennen
    Westmor Industries
    Ann Hess
    Rahn's Oil & Propane Inc
    Eric Leivestad
    Carburetion & Turbo Systems Inc
    Brian Raygor
    Ferrellgas, Mgr National Accounts-Autogas
    Dave Wager
    Minnesota Propane Association, MPA Executive Director
    Howard Reinhard
    Centra Sota Cooperative, Energy General Manager
    Anthony Buck
    Lakes Gas - #01 North Branch