Monday Feb 12, 2024 Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
Minnesota Propane Association
12475 273rd Ave NW
Zimmerman, MN 55398
Registrations for a training session conducted by MPA requires that participants register 7 business days prior to the event. Registration after that time (if event space is available) will be subject to a $40.00 late registration fee. No refunds will be issued for cancellations within 7 business days of event.
Classes are now tablet based. Each participant will be provided an iPad to use during class.
Bring a notebook if you would like for note taking. Pens will be provided
Link for information about tablets:
Tablet training update
Phone: 763-633-4271
Fax: 763-631-4272
Send Email
CETP 1.1 Basic Principles and Practices:
This course provides an overview of key concepts and strategies for field personnel and will aid in preparing for the PERC’s CETP certification. Basic Principles and Practices of Propane is an essential tool for ensuring employee safety and continuing success.
Course Objectives
· State the advantages of using propane.
· Describe propane customer applications and strategies for quality customer relations.
· Identify sources, physical properties, and effects of pressure and temperature on propane.
· Verify characteristics and purposes of odorants.
· Identify and respond appropriately to service interruptions.
· Identify complete and incomplete combustion characteristics.
· Identify which propane industry standards, codes, and regulations correspond to job-related tasks.
· Recognize and use appropriate personal protective equipment, practices, and procedures.
· Describe features of bulk plants, DOT/ICC cylinders, and other propane equipment and systems.